Authors - Greater Lansing Area Moms


Meet a Dad: Craig Melvin, TODAY Co-Host

Meet a Dad: Craig Melvin, TODAY Co-Host

Meet a DAD Monday! Craig Melvin is familiar to viewers of NBC’s TODAY show as co-anchor of the must-watch morning program. Craig is also the author of a newly released children’s book, I’m Proud of You, 

Meet a Mom: Environmentalist Heather White

Meet a Mom: Environmentalist Heather White

Just in time for Earth Day, The Local Moms Network interviews Heather White, author of 60 Days to a Greener Life: Ease Eco-Anxiety Through Joyful Daily Action, out today!

Valentine’s Books for Kids

Valentine’s Books for Kids

Valentine’s Books for kids! Do you have a favorite? Send us the title and we will add it to this growing list of ❤️ favorites!

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