Do you want to build a snowman? If so and you are an architect of snow sculptures (with or without kids), or are looking for a reason to play in the snow, enter the Bath Charter Township annual Snow Sculpture Competition.
“The snowy competition runs from December 1, 2020 – February 26, 2021. It is free and when you submit a photo of your masterpiece, you are entered for a chance to win a $50 Meijer gift card. Construction of your snow submissions are to be on property in Bath Township (your residence, in a park, or on a lake).”
Specifics and registration additional details are available on the Bath Charter Township website.
This outdoor fun is open to all ages working alone or in groups. In the past there have been both individual, family and neighbors – everyone is welcomed. Watch the Bath Township Facebook page for contest photos.
When you enter the contest, your masterpiece must be visible from the road and in good taste. Entrants are encouraged to add their own creative touches that will make their snow sculpture unique.
“An assembly of snowmen will determine the winner. Notification to the winner will be made during the 1st week in March 2021. Good luck and build on!!!”
Any questions, call Bath Charter Township Parks & Recreation at 517-641-5167