Be a GLAMoms Meet a Mom | Greater Lansing Area Moms

Are you interested in being a Greater Lansing Area Moms Meet a Mom?  

We have had area businesses sponsor moms they know and moms they did not!   

We have had an area author sponsor some of her gal pals!  

Each and every momma has an incredible story – please share yours with us!  We LOVE sharing moms from around the Greater Lansing area and would love it if you would join us. 💚

Are you an employer that would like to sponsor moms at your workplace who have a story that is one you would love to share – if mom says okay, that is?  Or are you interested in sponsoring the Monday Meet a Mom feature for moms that GLAMoms will feature in the future?

Yes?  Yay, either email us at [email protected] or complete this short form and either Julie or Christine will get you additional information.  


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