It is graduation season! And sometimes it is just difficult to find the perfect token for all of their hard work.
Cash is great but also are practical things like the items listed here. We had some help from a few high school seniors and they shared some great ideas!
A fresh slate – as in the water bottle. No stickers, dents, dings, mismatched lids or names written down the side. Or the latest Stanley color?
A basket to carry all of the stuff. Here is one that is a bit nicer looking than a laundry basket.
A grownup backpack. The high school backpack will do the trick but a fresh start for fall would be nice too!
A new crossbody bag. Chances are, they already have one and it is safe to assume it is probably black. Maybe spice it up a bit and pick a new color for a fresh feel in the fall.
A journal. The Best Self – Self Journal is a good choice. Prompts for things to do like a planner and also spots for them to jot down a quick thought or memory. They will soon learn, if they do not write it down, chances are they may forget.
Personalized notecards and USPS Forever stamps. Perhaps they will use on thank you notes for graduation gifts or maybe they will sit down one day and send off some snail mail. Either way, an old fashioned, hand written note is always a welcomed type of correspondence.
An Uber or Lyft gift card. Better be safe than sorry and well, car services are practically everywhere.
A reliable suitcase.
A toiletry bag.
A membership to a meditation app. Headspace comes to mind, although there are many to choose from – it will come in handy as they are navigating new things in the year to come.
Going away for college in the fall? Contact the campus bookstore and get them swag ready in some new college gear.
A children’s book with a check for $20.23 tucked inside. Only One You, The End is Just Beginning or What Do You Do With an Idea?, for example and all are juvenile and have messages that go far beyond their youth. They may bring back fond memories too!
Labels: Even though they are graduates they will still misplace things. Make it simple to know what is theirs. Name Bubbles is a great option and use the code CAMPMOM15 for 15% off your purchase.
Portable phone charger. We like Casely portable phone charger
Assorted gift cards – Speedway cards are always helpful for drivers.
The list goes on and on and if you have ideas or your go to for college or high school graduates, please share, we would love to hear from you. Email [email protected] – thanks and congratulations graduates.
For more ideas, visit a similar list shared by The Local Moms Network, Gifts for Grads